Tuesday, March 8, 2016

International Women's Day...

"What is that?"

It is a day set aside, around the globe, to celebrate women and their accomplishments and promote equality. Did you know that International Women's Day has been observed since the 1911? It may well be ignorant of me, but I did not. The history of how this day came to be recognized is really very interesting.

"Why is it important?"

It is important to me personally because I firmly believe that all lives are valuable. I also believe that we need to celebrate life. It is so fragile and so short, yet such a precious gift. Regardless of socioeconomic status, religion, race, nationality, gender, orientation, height, weight, body type, hair color, eye color, education level... each person is unique and has something special to offer. That is why, today, I celebrate women.

There are women around the world that are victims of sex trafficking, violence, oppression, hatred, abuse, poverty, inequality, the list goes on. Their struggles, their strength, their faith, their courage, their fight are worthy of recognition and deserving of better. They are why, today, we celebrate women.

Today we bring awareness to their suffering. We bring attention to their needs. We stand up for them and fight with them to see their circumstances changed. We honor their bravery. We value their lives.

"Does celebrating women mean that we shouldn't celebrate men?"

No. Absolutely not. They are equally valuable. They face their own unique struggles, fight their own battles, display incredible courage and bravery. We celebrate each one of them on November 19th, International Men's Day. :) 

"What tangible good can come from having a day set aside to celebrate women?"

In bringing our focus to women around the world, we bring awareness to the struggle, suffering and needs of so many. Awareness creates the opportunity for others to help make a difference for those who are in need. Today affords an opportunity to reach out to women across the globe and encourage them, we are able to make a difference in each other's lives. 

There are various organizations that work to help women. Today, consider making a donation to one of those organizations, in honor of the women around the world that are fighting for the very things we take for granted. 

Take a moment and watch these videos from around the world of women and their goals. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/international-womens-day-2016-everything-you-need-to-know-about/

Every woman has dreams, goals, hopes and needs. None of them should be ignored. All of them should be valued.

I used to believe that I had no value. I believed I was garbage, that I had nothing to offer, that I had no purpose. The people who taught me that were wrong. Those lies I believed were wrong. 

There are many, many women who feel like they have no value, no purpose, nothing to offer, no hope. Today let's reach out and help give them hope for a better tomorrow. <3