Monday, June 29, 2015

It is Time to See in Color!

Someone was talking to me the other day about "color". They were saying that we should not see "color" when we look at someone. They believe that seeing color leads to judgement, discrimination and racism. 

While I fully understand the sentiment behind their reasoning, I disagree, and here's why...

Each one of us is born with a unique genetic makeup. We have variations in ethnicity, hair color, eye color, height, bone structure, weight, talents, strengths, weaknesses, personalities and yes, skin color. 

Every one of those things are part of who we are. They combine to be what makes us... us. If we were to take one of those things away, we would be different. No longer who we were. We would be missing something.

Part of what makes our species so incredibly beautiful are those very differences. The patchwork of humanity is so richly varied! It is what is so wonderful about us. Why would we want to ignore one of the most beautiful aspects of our diversity?

I believe that we should be embracing color. We should celebrate the splendor of each shade on the canvas of humanity. If we ignore it, we will miss out on all of that beauty!

Rejoice in who you are and how wonderfully you were made. Celebrate the beauty of humanity in all its glorious array. Love your neighbor as yourself. Smile more often. Bless others and be blessed, y'all! <3 

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