People, body shaming is NEVER okay!!!!
I do not understand all of the hate and judgement in this world.
It is disgusting that so many women, and men, can come together to "fight for women's rights" and at best turn a blind eye to the constant barrage of body shaming that women are facing in our culture. At worst, they are even participating in it.
As a Health & Fitness professional, and a leader of women's Self-Esteem and Sexuality Restoration groups, I see the results of this kind of abuse all the time. This is something I am deeply, deeply passionate about. Body image and self-esteem are two things I have struggled greatly with and it is the cry of my heart to be able to help see women freed from the bondage of verbal, mental and emotional abuse in the areas of their bodies and their worth.
In the past, when stories like this have surfaced in the media, I have not been silent on this topic and I won't be now.
I have thought a great deal about what I want to say, and it boils down to this...
*Please note the excessive use of exclamation marks. The purpose of which is to denote the intensity of the passion in my statement.
4 letters. That is all it takes.
There is a wise saying that has been passed down for generations...
There is a difference between honesty, (hard truths), and verbal abuse. I am saddened by the need for some people to tear other people down in order to "feel better" about themselves. I am sorry for whatever pain you suffered that makes you feel that the destruction and judgement of others is necessary for your own emotional healing.
There are so many better, healthier, kinder, and frankly more effective ways to go about bolstering your self-esteem.
What are you talking about?
Ah yes, I'm sorry. I just jumped right in with no explanation as to what I was talking about.
Lady Gaga.
The Super Bowl Halftime show.
Body Shaming.
The insane and wholly inappropriate tirade of abusive comments about how "fat" she is and how "disgusting" her "stomach flab" was is not only grossly abusive it is ridiculous.
First of all, who are you to judge or shame her for the way her body looks?
Second, what could you possibly hope to gain?
Personally, I think she looks FANTASTIC. She was physically active while singing and she sounded and looked great doing it.
Can somebody explain to me how it was anyone's right to speak about her body in a negative way?
Yes. We have the "freedom of speech". BUT that does not cover or extend to verbal abuse, mental abuse or emotional abuse. All of which apply in this case.
Making someone feel bad about themselves, ashamed of their body, and like something is wrong with them or not "good enough" about them is abuse. Period. The result of which can be lifelong and devastating.
This "body shaming" problem has become an epidemic in which participants take pride in the vile nature of their hateful remarks and even go so far as to boast about it.
It is NOT okay.
For. Any. Reason.
Let me just say this...
Maybe one more time, just in case it was missed...
Be kind.
Be encouraging.
Use your words to motivate and inspire.
Speak kindness.
Speak healing.
Speak LIFE.
If you can't...
Do yourself and those around you a favor and please, don't speak.
To Lady Gaga and all the ladies out there that have been torn down for the amusement of others...
You are strong.
You are beautiful.
You are brave.
You are perfectly unique.
You are valuable.
You are loved.
Ignore the hate. It speaks infinitely more of the orator/commenter than it ever could of you.
Bless and be blessed, my friends.
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